Being a female in the real estate industry is not easy.

Leadership has many challenges, even on a good day.

And being a female leader in the real estate industry... Well, that can damn near kill you! ;)

And it almost killed me..

In 2019, I was running 100 miles an hour, running my million dollar real estate team, managing our branch office, fulfilling my duties as president of my local REALTOR association as well as chairing state and national committees. I was running marathons, volunteering for multiple charities in town, and doing my best to show up as a wife for my husband. In 2020, I hit the wall at 100 MPH and was forced to stop.

My priorities were out of wack. I had lost MY vision & purpose. I had no idea what I even wanted out of my real estate career, let alone how to get there. So I decided to start with the most important piece of the puzzle, taking care of me.

After taking time off, I knew I wanted to come back. Most importantly, I knew I didn't want to do it alone. I reached out to my closest girlfriends from across the country and we linked arms. We began brainstorming different ways to live higher quality lives.. We discussed things like leverage, branding, video, technology, automation, and more. We created Facebook groups, built community in our local markets, hosted events, flew across country, and most of all..... Showed support for each other, no matter what!

That's how the EMPOWHERED Real Estate Community was built.

A space where women can feel safe showing up for them self and each other, have a platform to pour into each other, and love and accept each other where they're at.

You'll find support all ways here. In person events, online groups, 1 on 1 consulting, webinars, accountability, networking, mentorship, encouragement, local meet ups, and more.

It's YOU. It's ME. It's US. We are all the empowHERed community.

Come where you're celebrated and not tolerated!

See you at the top.

Photo taken by Rachel McDermott

Meet Megan!

Megan is a 10 year veteran of the real estate industry. The former kindergarten teacher transition from taking care of peoples most prized possession to their most valuable asset. She is passionate about providing opportunities for people to find success in real estate, whether that be buying or selling or a career in the industry.

She runs a branch office for REAL Broker in Palm Coast, Florida and "The Megan Farrell Team" with her husband, Brady Nelson. Together, they have sold ~$100,000,000 in real estate since starting nearly a decade ago.

She believes that everyone has a next level to their life and business and if you surround yourself with the right people, you will get there more quickly. She believes in putting yourself into rooms filled with big thinkers, the kind that scare you. She believes that life is to short to do things that don't set your soul on fire. That's why she is jumping in with both feet to build EmpowHERed Real Estate Community.

When she's not doing the real estate team/women's empowerment thing, you can find her in the sunshine, with her boys, Brady & son, Elijah, around some body of water.

Connect with her on Instagram!


LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT - The foundation of our community lies in LEADERSHIP and DEVELOPMENT so why not combined the two? We are dedicated to bringing you the top women in our industry together for high level opportunities to grow as a leader.

AMBITION - Every woman has ambition and she should be encouraged to chase her dreams, no matter what they are! Women with AMBITION are seen as confident, self-motivated, and determined. Being a woman with AMBITION sets the example for those coming behind us that they too can achieve success and make an impact on the world around them.

GRATITUDE - "No duty is more urgent than giving thanks."-James Allen Practicing gratitude can lead to deeper relationships, an improved sense of optimism, better physical and mental health, and increased happiness. How could we not add this one to the list?

AUTHENTICITY - Authenticity allows for us to build stronger relationships with those around us and with ourselves. Communication is improved, there is an increased level of self-awareness, and improved mental & emotional well-being. You don't have to show up perfect, showing up as you are is more than enough.

GRACE - Everyone, including yourself, is doing the best than can with the tools they believe the have. When you believe that, you will have a more peaceful and positive outlook on life. Treating yourself with grace in times of failure and transition are key to moving through each challenge quickly and efficiently.

COURAGE - COURAGE empowers individuals to speak up and advocate for themselves and others. It allows for us to make bold decisions & take risks, while fostering an environment of growth and progress. As women in business, it pushes us to step up and speak out, especially when uncomfortable!

HONOR - One piece of the puzzle that often gets left out when building a life & business beyond your wildest dreams is HONORing the woman that we are. Treating yourself with love and respect will only make the journey more enjoyable. It's not just about honoring self; HONORing the women around us will foster a community of trust and respect, where we can rely on each other.

WEALTH - WEALTH Building fosters financial independence and security. It gives us the freedom to make choices and pursue opportunities that align with our values and goals without relying on anyone else. WEALTH provides a sense of empowerment and self-sufficiency, allowing a woman to be in control of her life and financial well-being.



Did you know we're hosting a full day Women's Mastermind in Florida on March 2? Click the link below to find out more and save your spot!


Long story short...

Success doesn't have to look like it used to, at least not for us.

  • Success looks like a happy and health version of YOU.
  • Success looks like a mom who has time to go to her child's game when she chooses to.
  • Success looks like taking uninterrupted time to honor whatever brings you joy.
  • Success looks like a woman in control of her finances and emotions.
  • Success looks like you running your business however you see fit, regardless to what naysayers say.
  • Success looks like WOMEN lifting each other UP!

Sharing our lights will only make the path brighter. You don't have to do it alone. Join our community today!


(Get added to our e-mail list to stay up to date on new trainings, events, and opportunities to be active in the community!)


Feeling stuck at your current brokerage?

Do you know you are capable of more, but feeling less than inspired?

Do you want more out of your life and business, but don't know where to start?

Schedule your confidential 1 on 1 call to learn how we can help you grow!